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Jelentős pusztítást okozott a törökországi földrengés – videó

Hatalmas földrengés rázta meg Törökország középső és Szíria észak-nyugati részét. Több száz épület dőlt össze, sok száz halott és sebesült van. A mentőcsapatok túlélők után kutatnak a romok között.

Törökország középső és Szíria északnyugati részén pusztított egy 7,8-as erősségű földrengés hétfő hajnalban. Legalább 300 halott és több száz sebesült van a területen. A térségben épületek százai omlottak össze, a mentőcsapatok túlélők után kutatnak a romok alatt.

Syrian rescuers (White Helmets) retrieve an injured man from the rubble of a collapsed building  follwoing an earthquake, in the border town of Azaz in the rebel-held north of the Aleppo province, early on February 6, 2023, - At least 42 have been reportedly killed in north Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that originated in Turkey and was felt across neighbouring countries. (Photo by Bakr ALKASEM / AFP)
Fotó: Bakr Alkasem / AFP

A földrengés akkora volt, hogy a hatását még Cipruson és Libanonban is érezni lehetett – írta a Reuters.

A török katasztrófavédelem több mint 280 halottról és 440 sebesültről számolt be. Szíriában több mint 230 áldozatról számoltak be és legalább 600 sebesültről. A hatóságok repülőgépeken szállítják a mentőcsapatokat a helyszínre, mind a két ország nemzetközi segítséget kért.


Szemtanúk szerint a földrengés pánikot keltett a térségben. A jelentések arról szólnak, hogy Damaszkuszban és több libanoni városban az emberek az utcákra menekültek az épületekből, mielőtt azok összedőlnének.

A Fehér Ház nemzetbiztonsági tanácsadója, Jake Sullivan közölte, hogy az Egyesült Államok aggódik a földrengés miatt, és figyelemmel kíséri a fejleményeket.

Felvettem a kapcsolatot a török ​​tisztviselőkkel, hogy jelezzem, készek vagyunk minden szükséges segítséget megadni 

– mondta Sullivan.

A földrengés körülbelül egy percig tarthatott, amelyik épület nem dőlt össze, annak az ablakai törtek be. Több városban jelentős volt a pusztítás. A rengéseket az epicentrumtól 460 kilométerre, Ankarában is érezni lehetett, de ott nem történt kár.

Törökország a világ egyik leginkább legföldrengésveszély országa. 1999-ben egy 7,6 erősségű rengésben 17 ezer ember vesztette az életét. A legutóbbi nagyobb eset 2011-ben volt, amikor egy földrengés hatalmas pusztítást okozott a keleti Van városban, ahol több mint 500 haltak meg.

Victims are rushed to the emergency ward of the Bab al-Hawa hospital following an earthquake, in the rebel-held northern countryside of Syria's Idlib province on the border with Turkey, early on February 6, 2023. - At least 50 have been reportedly killed in north Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that originated in Turkey and was felt across neighbouring countries. (Photo by Aaref WATAD / AFP)
Residents search for victims and survivors amidst the rubble of a building that collapsed, following an earthquake in the village of Azmarin, near the Turkish border in the north of Syria's rebel-held northwestern Idlib province, early on February 6, 2023. - At least 100 have been reportedly killed in north Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that originated in Turkey and was felt across neighbouring countries. (Photo by OMAR HAJ KADOUR / AFP)
Earthquakes jolts Turkiye's provinces
GAZIANTEP, TURKIYE - FEBRUARY 06: An aerial view of destroyed building after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit southern provinces of Turkiye, in Gaziantep, Turkiye on February 6, 2023. The 7.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Turkiyeâs southern province of Kahramanmaras early Monday, according to Turkiyeâs Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD). It was followed by a magnitude 6.4 quake that struck southeastern Gaziantep province. A third earthquake with a 6.5 magnitude also hit Gaziantep. Earthquakes had affected several provinces including, Osmaniye, Malatya, Adiyaman, Adana, Diyarbakir, Kilis and Sanliurfa. (Photo by Mehmet Akif Parlak/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Two injured men and a child receive treatment at the Bab al-Hawa hospital following an earthquake, in the rebel-held northern countryside of Syria's Idlib province on the border with Turkey, early on February 6, 2023. - At least 50 have been reportedly killed in north Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that originated in Turkey and was felt across neighbouring countries. (Photo by Aaref WATAD / AFP)
Earthquakes jolts Turkiye's provinces
SANLIURFA, TURKIYE - FEBRUARY 06: An aerial view of debris of a collapsed building after 7.4 magnitude earthquake hits Sanliurfa, Turkiye on February 06, 2023. The 7.4 magnitude earthquake jolted southern province of Kahramanmaras of Turkiye early Monday, according to Disaster and Emergency Management Authority of Turkiye (AFAD). It was followed by a magnitude 6.4 quake that struck southeastern Gaziantep province. A third earthquake with a 6.5 magnitude also hit Gaziantep. Earthquakes had affected several provinces including, Osmaniye, Malatya, Adiyaman, Adana, Diyarbakir, Kilis and Sanliurfa. (Photo by Rauf Maltas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AFRIN, SYRIA- FEBRUARY 6: In the earthquake that happened at 4.16 am in Turkey, houses in Syria were destroyed on February 6, 2023.  According to initial estimates, there are 230 dead in Syria. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 occurred in the Pazarck district of Kahramanmara. The earthquake was felt in many provinces, especially in Gaziantep, Sivas, Hatay, anlurfa, Mersin, Samsun and Trabzon. Turkey has issued a level 4 alarm. The alarm also contains the International help code.There are many dead and injured. There were 66 aftershocks, the largest of which was 6.6. (Photo by Ugur Yildirim/ dia images via Getty Images)
A cat rescued under rubble in Turkiye's Diyarbakir
DIYARBAKIR, TURKIYE - FEBRUARY 06: Turkish gendarmerie rescued a cat under rubble of a Galeria Mall after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit Diyarbakir, Turkiye on February 06, 2023. The 7.4 magnitude earthquake jolted southern province of Kahramanmaras of Turkiye early Monday, according to Disaster and Emergency Management Authority of Turkiye (AFAD). It was followed by a magnitude 6.4 quake that struck southeastern Gaziantep province. A third earthquake with a 6.5 magnitude also hit Gaziantep. Earthquakes had affected several provinces including, Osmaniye, Malatya, Adiyaman, Adana, Diyarbakir, Kilis and Sanliurfa. (Photo by Aydin Arik/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
This aerial view shows residents helped by bulldozers, searching for victims and survivors in the rubble of collapsed buildings, following an earthquake in the town of Sarmada in the countryside of the northwestern Syrian Idlib province, early on February 6, 2023. - A 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and Syria on February 6, killing hundreds of people as they slept, levelling buildings, and sending tremors that were felt as far away as the island of Cyprus and Egypt. (Photo by MUHAMMAD HAJ KADOUR / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A Syrian man carries the body of an infant who was killed in an earthquake in the town of Jandaris, in the countryside of Syria's northwestern city of Afrin in the rebel-held part of Aleppo province, on February 6, 2023. - Hundreds have been reportedly killed in north Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that originated in Turkey and was felt across neighbouring countries. (Photo by Bakr ALKASEM / AFP)
This aerial view shows residents searching for victims and survivors amidst the rubble of collapsed buildings following an earthquake in the village of Besnia near the twon of Harim, in Syria's rebel-held noryhwestern Idlib province on the border with Turkey, on February 6, 2022. - Hundreds have been reportedly killed in north Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that originated in Turkey and was felt across neighbouring countries. (Photo by Omar HAJ KADOUR / AFP)



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