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Az orosz–ukrán háború 475. napja – friss hírek

'BATTLE FOR BAKHMUT'20230507_zaa_s197_313.jpgMay 7, 2023, Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine: A soldier covers his ears as the mortar unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fires at enemy positions in the suburbs of Bakhmut, Donetsk region. The intensity of battles in the Bakhmut sector has been compared to those of World Wars I and II. The battle for Bakhmut has been the most intense of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, costing thousands of lives on both sides in months of grinding warfare. Ukrainian troops have been pushed back in recent weeks but have clung on in the city to inflict as many Russian losses as possible ahead of Kyiv's planned big push against the invading forces along the 620-mile front line. Ukraine is expected to soon start a much-anticipated counteroffensive to retake Moscow-held territory, including in the Zaporizhzhia region, which hosts Europe's largest nuclear plant. The United Nations nuclear watchdog expressed concern over the possible escalation of hostilities. Welcome to 'BATTLE FOR BAKHMUT'

Kemény harcokat vívtak éjjel is az ukránok az orosz védőkkel, de folyamatosan haladnak előre. Hétfőn az egyik legsúlyosabb összecsapás ismételten Bahmut körül zajlott, ahol több száz méterrel sikerült hátrább szorítani a kijevi erőknek az oroszokat, illetve hét újabb falut visszafoglaltak. 

'BATTLE FOR BAKHMUT'20230507_zaa_s197_313.jpgMay 7, 2023, Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine: A soldier covers his ears as the mortar unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fires at enemy positions in the suburbs of Bakhmut, Donetsk region. The intensity of battles in the Bakhmut sector has been compared to those of World Wars I and II. The battle for Bakhmut has been the most intense of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, costing thousands of lives on both sides in months of grinding warfare. Ukrainian troops have been pushed back in recent weeks but have clung on in the city to inflict as many Russian losses as possible ahead of Kyiv's planned big push against the invading forces along the 620-mile front line. Ukraine is expected to soon start a much-anticipated counteroffensive to retake Moscow-held territory, including in the Zaporizhzhia region, which hosts Europe's largest nuclear plant. The United Nations nuclear watchdog expressed concern over the possible escalation of hostilities. Welcome to 'BATTLE FOR BAKHMUT'
Fotó: Northfoto

Közben az oroszok nem a szárazföldön, hanem a levegőből támadták Ukrajnát. Keddre virradóra hat rakéta csapódott be Krivij Rih városában, elsősorban a civil infrastruktúrában tettek kárt a lövedékek, egy üdítőraktár is megsemmisült a hírek szerint, hárman meghaltak a bombázásban.  


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