BÉT logóÁrfolyamok: 15 perccel késleltetett adatok
(FILES) In this file photo taken on June 13, 1961 Brazilian striker Pelé, wearing his Santos jersey, smiles before playing a friendly soccer match with his club against the French club of "Racing", in Colombes, in the suburbs of Paris. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer.

Meghalt Pelé

Nyolcvankét éves korában, hosszú betegség után meghalt Pelé.

Nyolcvankét éves korában meghalt a brazil futballsztár, a sokak által az évszázad játékosaként ünnepelt Pelé – közölte az egykori sportoló ügynöke az Associated Press hírügynökséggel.

(FILES) In this file photo taken on June 13, 1961 Brazilian striker Pelé, wearing his Santos jersey, smiles before playing a friendly soccer match with his club against the French club of "Racing", in Colombes, in the suburbs of Paris. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer.
Fotó: AFP

A Sky News beszámolója szerint a Santos FC egykori sztárját, akit széles körben minden idők egyik legnagyobb labdarúgójaként tartanak számon – Maradona, Puskás, Ronaldo és Messi mellett emlegetve a nevét –, november 29. óta a Sao Paulo-i Albert Einstein Izraelita Kórházban kezelték. 

(FILES) In this file photo taken on June 13, 1961 Brazilian striker Pelé, wearing his Santos jersey, smiles before playing a friendly soccer match with his club against the French club of "Racing", in Colombes, in the suburbs of Paris. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer.
(FILES) In this file photo taken on June 09, 2016 Former Argentinian football international Diego Maradona (L) and former Brazilian footballer Pele pose after a football match organised by Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot at the Jardin du Palais Royal in Paris on June 9, 2016, on the eve of the Euro 2016 European football championships. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer. (Photo by PATRICK KOVARIK / AFP)
A visitor looks at a picture of Brazil's football legend Edson Arantes do Nascimento 'Pele', exhibited at the Pele Museum, in Santos, Brazil, on December 27, 2022. - Family members spent Christmas on Sunday with Pele at the Sao Paulo hospital where the legendary footballer is battling worsening cancer as well as kidney and heart problems, according to social media posts by his children. Fans of the player, considered by many the greatest of all time, have been expressing hope for his recovery since he was hospitalized in late November. (Photo by NELSON ALMEIDA / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo taken on October 31, 1990 Pele opens his arms as he acknowledges cheers from a crowd of spectators during a ceremony in Milan to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. - Family members accompanied the legendary Pele at the hospital in Sao Paulo on December 24, 2022, where he remains hospitalised with his health deteriorating due to cancer, according to a post by his daughter on social networks. (Photo by Gerard MALIE / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo taken on December 06, 1974 in Bangkok shows Brazilian football player Pelé during a training session with young boy as part of a commercial trip in Thailand. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer. (Photo by AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo taken on April 01, 1992 Former Brazilian soccer star, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known as Pelé (L), holds soccer balls at an appearance to promote his tie with a creit card company that is a sponsor of the 1994 World Cup, in New York. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer. (Photo by Maria R. BASTONE / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo taken on January 12, 2009 Portuguese football player Cristiano Ronaldo (R) receives congratulations from Brazilian football legend Pele after recieving the FIFA world footballer of the year 2008 award in Zurich. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo taken on December 05, 2003 Brazilian football legend Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pele, embraces German Formula one world champion Michael Schumacher in Frankfurt at the start of the World Cup 2003 preliminary draw ceremony. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer. (Photo by Thomas COEX / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo taken on April 28, 1963 Brazilian football player Pelé listens to the instructions of the referees at Colombes before the match France vs Brazil. - Brazilian football icon Pele, widely regarded as the greatest player of all time and a three-time World Cup winner who masterminded the 'beautiful game', died on December 29, 2022 at the age of 82, after battling kidney problems and colon cancer. (Photo by AFP)

Egy karácsony előtt készült orvosi jelentés kimutatta, hogy szív- és veseelégtelenség miatt ápolásra szorul, mivel 2021 szeptembere óta vastagbélrákkal küzd.

Pelé – eredeti nevén Edson Arantes do Nascimento – 15 évesen a Santosban, egy évvel később pedig a brazil válogatottban kezdett játszani, és 17 évesen, az 1958-as világbajnokságon robbant be a futballvilágba.

Nemzetközi pályafutása során három világbajnokságot nyert – 1958-ban, 1962-ben és 1970-ben –, az egyetlen játékos, aki ezt elérte.

2008. június 25-én készült kép Peléről az életéről szóló King’s Marks című kiállítás megnyitóján, Brazíliavárosban. Fotó: Eraldo Peres / MTI / AP / Eraldo Peres

Húszéves pályafutása során a brazil világbajnok focista 1957 és 1977 között 757 gólt szerzett 831 meccsen. A Santos úgy tudja, a góljai száma megközelítette az ezret. Pelé először 1958-ban nyert világbajnokságot a brazil válogatottal, majd az 1962-es és 1970-es vb-n is a csúcsra jutott. A válogatott színeiben 92 találkozón 77 gólt szerzett.

A sportág egyetlen háromszoros világbajnoka négy hete került palliatív, hospice ápolás alá, és a katari foci-vb alatt sokan imádkoztak az életéért. 

A héten rosszabbodott az állapota, és a lánya kedden még azt mondta, hogy nincs életveszélyben, a rákbetegsége elleni szerek adagolását állítják be az orvosok. Azután viszont légúti fertőzést is kapott, és antibiotikumokkal is kezelték. 

Orbán búcsúja Pelétől: elment a legnagyobb

Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök Facebook- és Twitter-bejegyzésekben búcsúzott a 82 éves korában elhunyt brazil futballsztártól.

A katari vb idején – miközben sokan arról vitáztak, ki a világ legnagyobb játékosa – vált virálissá az interneten egy videó, amely azt mutatta be, hogy rengeteg futballelemet és trükköt – amelyekkel aztán a sztárok, mint Maradona, Messi, Ronaldinho, Neymar és a többiek csodálatot váltottak ki – tőle leshettek el azt utódok.


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